Wesley Long Hospital Branch
Our Wesley Long branch is located in the basement level of Wesley Long Hospital, next to the cafeteria.
Greensboro, NC
Wesley Long Hospital Branch
501 N. Elam Street
Greensboro NC 27403
Phone: (336) 832-8119
Fax: (336) 832-8129
Mortgage Dept.: (336) 404-9965
Lobby Hours:
Monday - Friday 7:30 am - 3:30 pm
(closed from 11:30 to 12:00)
ATM - Located across from patient waiting area at main enterance.
Learn financial literacy.
Earn real rewards
The latest financial app and game is now available from your credit union. It’s zogo! In a game format, the app breaks down complicated financial topics into fun bite-sized modules and rewards you for learning about finance.
Download the zogo app today
Don’t Just Dream it. Do It...
We can help you find the perfect mortgage!
Purchasing a home is perhaps one of the most important and largest financial decisions you’ll ever make. That’s why you can rely on your credit union for making your dreams come true. Having a dedicated professional to help you navigate the process can be a real plus. We'll work to get you the best rates on the specific loan tailored to your needs.